mercoledì 26 giugno 2013

Omaggio a Guido Montauti (a tribute to Guido Montauti..)

Some friends from Touscany told me on FB that my "Boulders-Brothers" reminded them of... a nice ice cream ready to be eaten or... big molars!! which is nice, as they say teasing me you can see everything in art (and of  course it was funny!). But I think it's also an occasion to explain what they meant to me: boulders, and especially.. boulders from the mountains in Abruzzo, the land where I come from in Italy. There was a great painter, Guido Montauti, who could express the exact feeling and nature of those places, of their hardness and poetry. I tried to make a tribute to him,  using mostly Giallo di Cadmio and Blu di Prussia, my favourite colours. One day I'd like to paint the hills between my native town and the Gran Sasso, our mountain... But I think  I have to wait a bit... no more ice cream and molars!!!!!!!
This is a canvas from Montauti I have at home: I love it, its colours, and the peace it gives to me every time I look at it..

Guido Montauti (il pastore bianco)
my tribute to Guido Montauti (boulders-brothers...)

martedì 11 giugno 2013

Welkome to Dam Dam!

The new King, the Dutch art temple Rijksmuseum open again, the Van Gogh Museum back to its traditional and renovate location, and.... :)

palette... tavolozza

lunedì 10 giugno 2013

wavy canvas.. tela bagnata...


ok, NO PANIC: remove canvas and wet canvas...

dry it and.. pray!!!