So.. start with some
RED ..
.. and music ..
. .. and maybe tomorrow I'll be ready to look at my white canvas in her deep eyes..
In the meantime..
yesterday evening - as a good expat - I was looking at a previous episode of Che tempo che fa (my pc also doesn't like the quotation marks.. le virgolette.. ok I don't need them ..).. and the first guest of Fabio Fazio was this Prof. Stefano Mancuso, neurobiologo vegetale... WOW: he said in a nice nice way what I know... about trees and plants and their being conscious... something like intelligent.. he showed how they can move, I'd say how they can dance (talking of these creatures with so much care!)
Now... I've started with my seeds but really I've been attracted from leaves and barks and trunks and branches. I think it is becouse .. they know, in some way we feel they know how to stay - come stare, loro stanno, tengono, e sanno come. They keep signs of their being alive, of their sorrows, but still go on growing and feeding small worlds on and around their body, and of course they do it showing their beauty. They know and I think that's way we need to look at them - to have them near us - like we do with our dogs and cats and canarini ... Something which really moved me when I felt in love with my seeds was this way they have to trust the wind and the air to reach their corner of earth.. starting their loooong way just dancing, having fun and.. che sarà saraàà...