venerdì 18 ottobre 2013



Golden wood
Acrylic gold, Corona beer Glass, Gunnysack, Silk and Bark
on Wood panel, 24x30


giovedì 17 ottobre 2013



Acrylic Gold, Corona beer Glass, Thai Tissue and Bark on Wood panel 


A fuxia wire in the wood
 Acrylic Gold, Corona ber Glass, Thai Tissue, Wool and Bark on Wood panel, 24 x 30


giovedì 10 ottobre 2013

Brushes' beauty mask!

Ahi.. the brush is not so old, but his hair are exhausted..
Here is a remedy I learned at school: take some Marseille soap 
and do a nice mask to the bristles
then cover gently and wait some hours
it worked for all of them... ok, I'm really worried for the one on the right.. .
maybe we've lost him

martedì 8 ottobre 2013


I'm searching in the net about painting today, and looking for  some niceblog  I discovered at the top of the list:
1) Carol Marine's painting a day (
two) A painting today (
3)  A painting a day  (

 Duane  Keiser seems to be the inventor of this every - day - painting-style.. Many of his works are amazing, as well as Carol Marine's and Jurick's ones. I am impressed by the use of colours and light in their canvas.The way they work with light reminds me of the clean line between light and shadow in Hopper, and the whiteness of his light. My mind also goes to Georgia O'Keeffe's, a woman who's work seems to influence a great number of contemporary painters .
 Well, I like the approach of Duan Keiser at this job (see his interview:  ) and I really admire his work - even if I still can't 
 be in tune with this fast fast way to paint...
 I like to work by layers , on and on with small amounts of colour, letting it dry and  then receive the folowing one until they seem to find their balance, or the contrast that seems to exalt each other.

giovedì 3 ottobre 2013

Qui c'è mio..

La capacità di acquisire spazio, spazio vitale per sè, è indice di successo in biologia. 
(cit. Prof. Stefano Mancuso,Che tempo che fa, domenica scorsa..)

 Una stanza tutta per sè - a room on your own

Io io mioooo - me me mine! as kids shout outraged

 The act to find the right framing

  the right composition in the proper canvas


martedì 1 ottobre 2013

Red, oh!

So.. start with some
RED ..

.. and music ..

.. and drawing .
. .. and maybe tomorrow I'll be ready to look at my white canvas in her deep eyes..
In the meantime..
yesterday evening - as a good expat - I was looking at a previous episode of  Che tempo che fa (my pc also doesn't like the quotation marks.. le virgolette.. ok I don't need them ..).. and the first guest of Fabio Fazio was this Prof. Stefano Mancuso, neurobiologo vegetale... WOW: he said in a nice nice way what I know... about trees and plants and their being conscious... something like intelligent.. he showed how they can move, I'd say how they can dance (talking of these creatures with so much care!)
Now... I've started with my seeds but really I've been attracted from leaves and barks and  trunks and branches. I think it is becouse .. they know, in some way we feel they know how to stay - come stare, loro stanno, tengono, e sanno come. They keep signs of their being alive, of their sorrows, but still go on growing and  feeding small worlds on and around their body, and of course they do it showing their beauty. They know and I think that's way we need to look at them - to have them near us - like we do with our dogs and cats and canarini ... Something which really moved me when I felt in love with my seeds was this way they have to trust the wind and the air to reach their corner of earth.. starting their loooong way just dancing, having fun and.. che sarà saraàà...