mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

And finally relax..

 My canvas will be guests in Giulia's wall..  they were born in the country and now they'll finally join Amsterdam, looking out at Rozengracht's vitality from TNLP window... Some of them are allready there, some others are ready to leave my studio in Oudegracht.
 And I'll finally relax, after the last touches ...

mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

 acrylic tissues and beads
on wood panels

Tricot, crochet, knitting, beads, earrings, necklaces.. there's a revolution of manufacturing women (but not only).. we are winking to our grandmothers and aunts, we are learning the art of the old dressmakers and craftsmen. When I was a child I often heard the espression ''ha le mani d'oro - she has gold hands'', which meant great admiration for those creations. Now that tissues and wires and material elements have had input in art, inside canvas and installations, maybe they are becoming art themselves. I am fascinated from their particular language since  they can be so sugestive and evocative ...

And.. here they are..

Le perle signora mia
24x30, acrylic, silk, canvas’ cotton and beads on wood panel

Dancing snake
24x30, acrylic, silk, cotton and beads on wood panel

24x30, acrylic, silk, beads and silk wire on wood panel

More colour please
28x38, acrylic, silk, canvas’ cotton and beads on wood panel

giovedì 7 novembre 2013

 How it came

many walks looking around, many thoughts around my trees, many caresses to their bark