martedì 3 giugno 2014

Euromarkt '14

The 18th of maj I joined the Euromarkt at my children's school. All the parents are involved as well as pupils (there are children from 1 to 18 years!). They all organize uge tables with food from their own country and everyone is wellcome to have a visit, to eat, and to share the different activities  that have been organized.
I used two recipies from Abruzzo: Tiella and Lattacciuolo, great success:)
I also suggested to organize a corner for creative mamas... so that we could sell our works and donate part of our income for the Parents Association ... It was nice, and funny, I couldn't believe it was such a great party..

this was my corner.. I was there with my last canvas

some beads with the colours of my canvas :)

and some nice cool some stuff from Aperfectday  (